
Showing posts from July, 2017


It's 1 am in the morning and I decided to set-up a blog when I am suppose to be studying for tests next week. But, here I am, writing a blog. It has been a long time since I write. Phew.. This is probably the place I can rant things out. Have you ever ask yourself what are feelings? An emotional state or reaction? Does it have to be related to anything like love and affection? Or am I confused by the definition of it. It has been weeks since we spoken about that, it has been weeks that I kept this to myself. I reminded myself to draw a line, distant myself from you. But I just can't as much as I want to, as much as I know I need to. It is not easy to just distant yourself from a person, no?, after all those ups and downs throughout months. I constantly tell myself that this isn't the right person, it is not correct to fall for this person. But who is it to judge what is right or wrong? Often times, I ask myself if what I am doing is right? Should there be a line? Should I ...